Here's one way of allowing to use qtracker with KingpinQ3:
In qtracker, go to Add Games and add Quake III Arena.
If you don't have the game, point it to KingpinQ3-32.exe.
Rightclick Quake III Arena and select New->Folder.
Add a folder named sth like "KingpinQ3".
Rightclick the folder and select New->Server.
Add port 31600 as in this screenshot:
Repeat the same for ports 31610, 31620, 31630, 31640, 31650, 31660, 31670.
Rightclick the folder again and select "Properties and Appearance" as in the screen below:
In the next window click "Program" and add the path to your copy of KingpinQ3-32.exe as in this screen:
You should be able to connect to the servers now.
Dieser Beitrag wurde von MH am 11.07.2024, 18:39 Uhr editiert.